"Soy un hombre japones fuerte y vigoroso. Me gusta practicar pesas y cuidar mi cuerpo.
Disfruto mucho del mar y los mariscos. Lo que mas me gusta es tomar un trago frutado en mi hamahaca paraguaya entre las palmeras.
Tengo muchos amigos y a menudo organizo eventos sociales. Soy testarudo y me gusta tener la razon. Estoy tomando clases de lambada. Vivo de rentas."

**Yusei es un muñeco unico en su tipo, esta hecho con telas recicladas, bordado a mano y relleno con polyfill. Mide 15 cm de alto x 13 cm en la parte mas ancha aproximadamente.

  "I`m a vigorous and strong Japanese man. I practise weightlifting to take care of my body. I enjoy very much staring at the sea and eating seafood. What I like the most is having a drink while i rest in my Hamahaca Paraguayan close to palms and birds.
I have many friends and I frequently organize social events.
I`m a stubborn guy and I always want to have reason. Nowadays I`m taking Lambada lessons with my baby. I live from rents."

**Yusei is a one of a kind handcrafted doll, made with vintage fabrics, stuffing with polyfill and hand embroidery. He is aprox 5.91" high and 5.12" wide.

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                                                         Isla Noel, Delta, Tigre